Monday, October 27, 2008

life in ballarat good...

I have now worked 3 shifts at Store and think I am really going to enjoy it. The boss is great, she is friendly and funny. I always enjoy working alongside my boss. The main issue I have, is where do I use my staff discount first. I'm eying off some new cannisters for coffee sugar etc - but not sure whether to go for enamel tin which are timeless, or modern cannisters. I also like there array of magazine holders - weaved, leather, fabric - as I was given a stack of my fave mag 'real livivng' and they don't get tossed! I love all the kitchen gadgets. I'm also considering decking out my pantry as I'm sick of twisted up bags of stuff and stale biscuits. And I do envy Karen SIL beautifully organised tupperware collection. Hmm.??..?.

So here are some photos. Leia Martin blog is so neglected, will have to think up some stuff to put on there soon.

We have lots of dandelions through out of lawn, hard to be annoyed but such a pretty thing...

Clinton put me onto these 50 cent mini profita rolls - they are delicious!! They are a perfect little treat - 2 bites, you just have to say no to number 2 and 3...

**I guarantee to have some waiting for anyone who comes to visit me here in Ballarat.

Next, the war waging in our backyard.... Lucy Vs The Wattle-Bird

I'm trying the get a picture of just how fearless this bird is. The best I could, red circling the bird...

It has no issues with Oodle or the dogs, and will happily swoop Lucy if she is sitting at my feet. They are both as stubborn as eachother, neither will give up! Lucky Lucy isn't that serious about catching it, think she enjoys it.


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