Not long now until our exhibition. Won't be doing much with the blogs over next couple of weeks, except the Common Thread blog. So thought I better do a post while I wasn't so busy...
Start with sharing some examples of what will be happening with my work for the exhibition...
We decided to put all our images onto fabric pieces. Some of my photos will be straight transfers while others will be stylized and made into more design elements... such as...
Here's photos of foliage that have been stylized used my best buddy Photoshop. By isolating part of a photo you can create this stamp or 'brush' as there technically known. Its then stored and can be used over and over, different sizes and colours... perfect for creating different works from the one photos, as I plan to do.
Heres a little slide show of some bubbles Bain and I, plus Tala ( who LOVES chasing bubbles) , had fun with. Such simple pleasure...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
blog action day
I recently went to a John Butler Trio concert and came away changed. He planted a seed in my heart and mind that night which didn't come from his amazing music, it had reached me long ago, but the words he spoke when the guitar had stopped. Anyone who listens to John Butler's music or knows anything about him, would know that he is a true lover of our world, more in a take very little and give a lot sort of way, and is committed to many causes, the environment being a major priority for him.
At the concert he spoke about staying silent on issues and not coming forward, and that silence is just a bad as the negativeness and wrong doers in the world.
Hows does this relate to blog action day.???
I'm screaming out on the inside yet nothing is coming out of my mouth. I think most people who know me and spend time with me realise that I do fight for a cause.. to a certain extent... and I do care for the environment, I do try and get my point across.. but only if the issue arises first. I want to try and change that. I want to get people discussing these important issues and helping people to realise just how crucial issues like reducing our carbon emissions are. Blog Action Day is just the beginning for me.
So whats my contribution to this issue, on this day....
It is putting my views across in the hope that someone who hasn't really given these issues much thought, may think seriously, that people who aren't educated about these issues, get educated, and people who aren't doing anything to cut their carbon emissions, starts doing even the smallest things.
I think we all need to really get educated on the issues at hand, including myself. We need to understand whats happening to our planet, that our contribution to global warming isn't a hoax or a swindle, that it is science!! Al Gore's documentary 'An inconvenient truth' should be viewed by everyone, it should be viewed in schools. If you go down the path of believing the skeptics, than visit the WWF(World Wildlife Fund) link which has a lists of points that these skeptics make and scientific proof that crushes them all. The simple fact is that you don't even need to be a scientist to see that the planet is warming. I live in country Victoria and I know, as do many around me, that the winters are getting shorter, they are just not as cold and wet as they once were, we are in a record dought... which leads into the issue of whether it really is a drought or is this just the weather now... the summers are hotter and drier and longer!! And if we don't make serious attempts to change our ways, as individuals, as parents, as communities, as businesses, as Australians and as part of a global community, our children and their children will live with disastrous consequences too many too list. I think we are dealing with enough now, but it is only going to get worse is the temperature of the globe increases anymore. If you want to read specifically about this, the WWF commissioned a report by a former CSIRO climate scientist about a 3 degree increase in Australia and what affect this would have. If this doesn't scare you into acting, I'm not sure what will. But if you have children, consider it for them, consider what you're leaving behind.
So what can YOU do thats not tying yourself to a tree or handing over lots of money for a hyprid car; heres just a few...
- as your light bulbs blow replace it with a fluro globe...
- vote in the upcoming election for the party with the best environmental plan
- re-use your grey water... it reduces waste and pollution
- buy as many fruit and vegetables as you can that are grown locally, do you really want to eat an apple thats flown in from America not to mention the carbons given off form the plane, or one thats grown here in the country but a hard working Aussie farmer...
- use the microwave more...four minutes in the microwave uses 22g of CO2 as opposed to 385g for your oven
- only boil the amount of water you need to make your cuppa, not the whole jug
- don't print things onto paper that aren't absolutely necessary, it just creates more waste, uses unnecessary paper, just take a sec and read it on the screen...
- Pay that little bit extra on your electricity bill and chose green power...
- Eat less meat, even just one meat free meal a week. A plant-based diet generally requires less land, energy, and other resources. Crop-based food requires an average of 0.78 global hectares per ton of food, compared to 2.1 global hectares required to produce one ton of animal-based food.
- Don't buy products that have unnecessary packing, like double wrapped items, needed more energy to make the packaging and more waste. Eg, Lipton squeezable teabags, are in a little individual cover, then in the box and then in plastic, normal teabag have one less layer, tea leaves have even less packaging... Try to buy a unprocessed, unpackaged version where possible.
- Put another bin beside your normal one thats used for recyclables, research shows that households that use this method recycle significantly more than those who don't.
- Educate yourself... and others....
This issue can be overwhelming, but small steps - any steps - are the key, but the time to act is now, as time is running out. Maybe not for you or me, but for future generations, as cliched as that sounds, I want Bain to be able to have a more certain future....
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
blog action day
Whats this? Click on the icon above for more info...
but essentially its about using your blog to promote all and any issues relating to our environment on October 15th. The idea is that there a millions of blogs and blog readers and it would surely make an impact if we all got together and spoke about such a crucial issue, on the same day!!! I will be using all 3 blogs, using photos on LIME and project 365 and an article on here, all linked up of course.
So stayed tuned for my posts and if you have a blog please think about joining in! It can be simple like using chemical free cleaners or how the drought is affecting you and what you're doing to change your water usage. Anything at all!!!
Need inspiring.. what this Madonna clip, from live earth...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
oops.. i made a cushion cover...
Cushion covers really should have been on my list of projects to do, as I've had the inserts for ages. Finally found the perfect material, something to blend in the wine coloured couches, the beige throws (not pictured, in the wash) and something that would brighten the while look up - upon Jon's request. So both of us thought this fabric was perfect (yes Jon approved of the pink) and it was cheap and is steady. I fell in love with the design, and think I'll have to go back for some more...
Friday, September 14, 2007
buzzy, busy, bees...
We love honey here in the Martin house and anyone who knows my dad understands where I get it from. So as much as I hate a bee sting, I fully respect bees and let them go about their business, and encourage Bain to do and feel the same. We both had fun when i decided to photograph them on our tree. He was my spotter!
Up close its easy to see them collecting...
This little fella has been busy, look at the amount he has on it...
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Couple of my projects completed..
Here is the bag that I made!!! Its not perfect by any means, but it is very authentically hand made, home made, australian made, non-sweatshop labour made and I've used nearly all recycled materials - including the vintage ties. The exception is the cotton to sew it all together.. and the panel of material in the above photo, which I designed and printed myself!! And I forgot to photograph, before giving to my good friend karyn, was the patchwork on the bottom panel. Made up of little squares of the ties and brown cord.
This is on the other side panel
Little flower thingy...
Button clasp... yes recycled button...
Hard to see, but theres a little pocket inside...
This was a great project and I really enjoyed doing it. It was quite tricky and not at all easy, needed a lot of thought, and a little bit of un-picking here and there. I'm pretty sure Karyn liked it, loved the browns and was thrilled at the re-cycle factor.
The secret project, which was a picture of my niece Emmy. I used this pic of her
And turned her into a pretty fairy.
I then used it for her 1st birthday card and gave a copy to her mum.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
whats new pussycat..
Not a lot happening, but a few bits and pieces.
Firstly, my friend Carly and I have a name and a blog for our upcoming exhibition/project... Common Thread although there isn't much on the blog right now, but should start to take off soon.
And I haven't resigned to Wardrobe Re-fashion. I decided that I was doing the main part... by re-cycling/refashioning etc. anyway, and just not keeping up with the blog side of it. I feel happy that I'm making better choices and that I am doing my part to help the main issues behind the Wardrobe Re-fashion concept. I have purchased some new clothes since ending my pledge but I will be keeping this minimal and try to buy from companies that are clearly against sweat shop labour.
I have other projects on the go and feel by sharing them here, some of them actually may get finished... that - and Jon refuses to allow anything else to happen until these are completed. Here are the big 5 on my hitlist, in no particular order..
#1.. my table
Picked this character up from a garage sale... ages ago... and loved it at first sight. It needs some careful sanding, to get it nice and smooth so that I can just wax it, leave it quite plain looking.
#2... re-cycled, handmade bag for a friends b'day
I'm using some old 'vintage' ties, which have been unpicked, and I will use the fabric to do a sort-of patchwork look. Its very vague sounding but when I post pics of the final product it'll all make sense.
#3... wedding album
Need to compose a virtual wedding album, that my friend will then print up and it will become an actual wedding album. It involves lots of montages and ordering so that the album tells the story of the day.
#4... catalogue of my work
Sort-of like a folio, but differently composed... I want to print up a catalogue of my photographs. This can then be used to show people my works, for example, if I was to approach a cafe or a business that would like to have some prints up, to not only sell but decorate their business. They could look at the catalogue and choose ones that suited their business and decor. I guess its a step towards selling my work.
#5... secret project... can't be revealed just yet due to certain people that frequent my blog. This one has a real finish date to it, which is Thursday next week.
And one more thing to share, that I'm VERY excited about...I have ordered business cards!! I have had that question 'Do you have a card' a few times and found a great on-line company called MOO that allow you to get a pack of 100 cards that can have a different photo on the back of each one. It such a good deal, even thought they're coming in from the UK. They also make your photos/designs into little stickers, so of course, I have ordered them too. And yes you all can have a card and sticker, if you're good!
Firstly, my friend Carly and I have a name and a blog for our upcoming exhibition/project... Common Thread although there isn't much on the blog right now, but should start to take off soon.
And I haven't resigned to Wardrobe Re-fashion. I decided that I was doing the main part... by re-cycling/refashioning etc. anyway, and just not keeping up with the blog side of it. I feel happy that I'm making better choices and that I am doing my part to help the main issues behind the Wardrobe Re-fashion concept. I have purchased some new clothes since ending my pledge but I will be keeping this minimal and try to buy from companies that are clearly against sweat shop labour.
I have other projects on the go and feel by sharing them here, some of them actually may get finished... that - and Jon refuses to allow anything else to happen until these are completed. Here are the big 5 on my hitlist, in no particular order..
#1.. my table
Picked this character up from a garage sale... ages ago... and loved it at first sight. It needs some careful sanding, to get it nice and smooth so that I can just wax it, leave it quite plain looking.
#2... re-cycled, handmade bag for a friends b'day
I'm using some old 'vintage' ties, which have been unpicked, and I will use the fabric to do a sort-of patchwork look. Its very vague sounding but when I post pics of the final product it'll all make sense.
#3... wedding album
Need to compose a virtual wedding album, that my friend will then print up and it will become an actual wedding album. It involves lots of montages and ordering so that the album tells the story of the day.
#4... catalogue of my work
Sort-of like a folio, but differently composed... I want to print up a catalogue of my photographs. This can then be used to show people my works, for example, if I was to approach a cafe or a business that would like to have some prints up, to not only sell but decorate their business. They could look at the catalogue and choose ones that suited their business and decor. I guess its a step towards selling my work.
#5... secret project... can't be revealed just yet due to certain people that frequent my blog. This one has a real finish date to it, which is Thursday next week.
And one more thing to share, that I'm VERY excited about...I have ordered business cards!! I have had that question 'Do you have a card' a few times and found a great on-line company called MOO that allow you to get a pack of 100 cards that can have a different photo on the back of each one. It such a good deal, even thought they're coming in from the UK. They also make your photos/designs into little stickers, so of course, I have ordered them too. And yes you all can have a card and sticker, if you're good!
Monday, July 30, 2007
bain's bike ride
Here's a little home movie that Jon did of Bain riding his bike. Bit cute, bit fun.. Stayed tuned for more.. Jons getting as bit carried away (thanks Dean).
Saturday, July 21, 2007
me.. an artist..??..
*Warning: Long post below...sorry...
My friend Carly, who is currently doing honours in printmaking, asked me a while ago if I would like to apply to collaborate with her for an exhibition in Bendigo. I said yeah sure and didn't really think much of it. Well that is til about 2 weeks ago when she emailed through the proposal for me to check, and added that she had left it til last minute (which I was exactly the same at uni) so it needed to be in TODAY. I also needed to add my artist CV (i did one at uni like 4 -5 years ago and thats it!) and a few of my works. Long story short.. and a weeks or so of waiting... we finally found out that we had been chosen.
The overall project is called 'Test Match' and will be run in Allan's Walk - Artist Run Space during November. Basically, there were four spots and we were chosen for one. Why 'Test Match'?, well it involves two artist, one being based in bendigo/central vic..Carly.. and inviting another artist.. being me.. to collaborate on works during a seven day period. We get $1000 as our fee, plus promotional material, a writer and photographer to document the 7 days. Its quite exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. Its all explained a lot better on the Allans Walk Website. Thought I'd also share the pics that I submitted with our proposals.
So what will we be doing? The vague idea revolves around rural woman and their domestic environment. The photos above are a perfect example. We will also explore being an artist in a rural community, and the divide between fine art and domestic art (like quilting, knitting, scrap booking, various craft etc). Firstly, we will start up a blog dedicated to the project, once we have a name. The blog will be used to up-load our works, being photos and prints which document our daily lives and environment, then use each others works to create new works. All of which will explore two rural woman's domestic spaces, which are both quite different. Me being a housewife, who works, has a child and hasn't really explored art since finishing uni, until recently starting my blog/on-line galleries. And Carly living in a share house, doing her honours at uni, working, and being involved in the art community and continually developing her career through various exhibitions. These collaborations will be pushed further during the Test Match, resulting in an installation piece.
Its quite exciting and I'm looking forward to it all, although the fact I haven't done anything like this since uni, makes me rather nervous. So stayed tuned for a link to our blog.
My friend Carly, who is currently doing honours in printmaking, asked me a while ago if I would like to apply to collaborate with her for an exhibition in Bendigo. I said yeah sure and didn't really think much of it. Well that is til about 2 weeks ago when she emailed through the proposal for me to check, and added that she had left it til last minute (which I was exactly the same at uni) so it needed to be in TODAY. I also needed to add my artist CV (i did one at uni like 4 -5 years ago and thats it!) and a few of my works. Long story short.. and a weeks or so of waiting... we finally found out that we had been chosen.
The overall project is called 'Test Match' and will be run in Allan's Walk - Artist Run Space during November. Basically, there were four spots and we were chosen for one. Why 'Test Match'?, well it involves two artist, one being based in bendigo/central vic..Carly.. and inviting another artist.. being me.. to collaborate on works during a seven day period. We get $1000 as our fee, plus promotional material, a writer and photographer to document the 7 days. Its quite exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. Its all explained a lot better on the Allans Walk Website. Thought I'd also share the pics that I submitted with our proposals.
So what will we be doing? The vague idea revolves around rural woman and their domestic environment. The photos above are a perfect example. We will also explore being an artist in a rural community, and the divide between fine art and domestic art (like quilting, knitting, scrap booking, various craft etc). Firstly, we will start up a blog dedicated to the project, once we have a name. The blog will be used to up-load our works, being photos and prints which document our daily lives and environment, then use each others works to create new works. All of which will explore two rural woman's domestic spaces, which are both quite different. Me being a housewife, who works, has a child and hasn't really explored art since finishing uni, until recently starting my blog/on-line galleries. And Carly living in a share house, doing her honours at uni, working, and being involved in the art community and continually developing her career through various exhibitions. These collaborations will be pushed further during the Test Match, resulting in an installation piece.
Its quite exciting and I'm looking forward to it all, although the fact I haven't done anything like this since uni, makes me rather nervous. So stayed tuned for a link to our blog.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Another re-fashion..
Above is my latest project for Wardrobe Re-fashion.- boring brown top into something a little more me.
I designed the little motif and printed it onto computer t-shirt transfer paper. The white material was also recycled from another ill-fitting top, and then I added some free-sewing to create the little foliage bits.
The green pants above were the homemade ones I showed a while ago, but I dripped a little bleach onto the them near the knee. I appliqued a flower from the black/white material over the stain.. thats a wardrobe re-fashion trick!! I have a few other projects on the go, hopefully I can share them with you soon.
Your probably wondering what the little graphic is about below... its from the wardrobe re-fashion site and its very similar to your Monopoly board game 'get out of jail free' card. This can be used when you have a special do or a fantastic sale where you just have to break the rules of your pledge. You only get to use it once!
Jan(step-mum) and I were shopping just before Clinton's(bro) big 30th birthday party and I was a little disappointed about what I had to wear. Jan decided to buy me a new dress that she absolutely loved ( and so did I). She insisted that she would buy it for me, therefore I wasn't breaking any rules. But I decided to fess up, hence the card.
My 2 month pledge will be up at the end of the month but I actually think I will sign up again, but for longer, perhaps the 4 month. Although I have done a few things, I have so many re-fashioning ideas and really enjoy the blog community involved. There are some very creative people out there. But we'll see...
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
i've returned...
Spent a week away, and I've been finding it hard to settle back into routine. I've been sick for a few days so that hasn't helped. I did catch up with my family while away and wanted to share a couple of my fave pics.
The main reason we were away, it was my brothers 30th birthday... seen here with a little montage of Bain having a great time. This has been borrowed from my project 365, which also suffered while I was away...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
attack of the robots...
Our good friend and awesome animator Dean, 'mocked' (he's term not mine...) up this little robot using one of my photos. I think its great. We were looking at work using a similar idea and I'm really happy he could look at my pics and see an idea like this. Although he's a busy man, I can't wait to see more of these and have given him full permission to use any of my images. See more of Deans work on his blog.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
My first Refashion..
I was asked to update, and seeings as I'll be away for a week, I'm here. Thought I show off my first re-fashioned item... a hat that I got for 25c and added a couple of little skulls to it.
Not the biggest sewing achievement, but I have been working a lot more than usual. So thats my excuse. Below is a couple of items that I completed before starting my pledge. Some of you would have seen the skull motif, here it is on the hoodie. Also, my 2nd pair of 'lounge' pants.
Thought I would also add "Jon (my hubby) as a Southpark character" for those of you who know him.Try it yourself, its a lot of fun.
Not the biggest sewing achievement, but I have been working a lot more than usual. So thats my excuse. Below is a couple of items that I completed before starting my pledge. Some of you would have seen the skull motif, here it is on the hoodie. Also, my 2nd pair of 'lounge' pants.
Thought I would also add "Jon (my hubby) as a Southpark character" for those of you who know him.Try it yourself, its a lot of fun.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I need your help
Hi to anyone reading.
I need your help...
I need some ideas for my Project 365 (a photo everyday). I need some suggestions for a mini-challenge theme. It will last for a week, well Monday to Friday, so it'll be 5 images. Any ideas will be appreciated.
I need your help...
I need some ideas for my Project 365 (a photo everyday). I need some suggestions for a mini-challenge theme. It will last for a week, well Monday to Friday, so it'll be 5 images. Any ideas will be appreciated.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Wardrobe Refashion
Its official!
Well I actually start tomorrow..June 1, but I singed up as a guest writer for the Wardrobe Refashion website and did my little intro. Go have a look, its quite interesting. There's girls starting in my group from all over Australia, all over the US like New York, Philadelphia, as well as from England, Japan and New Zealand, to name a few....
Its not too late to sign up, open til the 10th
Well I actually start tomorrow..June 1, but I singed up as a guest writer for the Wardrobe Refashion website and did my little intro. Go have a look, its quite interesting. There's girls starting in my group from all over Australia, all over the US like New York, Philadelphia, as well as from England, Japan and New Zealand, to name a few....
Its not too late to sign up, open til the 10th
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