Wednesday, October 10, 2007

blog action day

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Whats this? Click on the icon above for more info...
but essentially its about using your blog to promote all and any issues relating to our environment on October 15th. The idea is that there a millions of blogs and blog readers and it would surely make an impact if we all got together and spoke about such a crucial issue, on the same day!!! I will be using all 3 blogs, using photos on LIME and project 365 and an article on here, all linked up of course.
So stayed tuned for my posts and if you have a blog please think about joining in! It can be simple like using chemical free cleaners or how the drought is affecting you and what you're doing to change your water usage. Anything at all!!!

Need inspiring.. what this Madonna clip, from live earth...

1 comment:

Jess Gruar said...

I've united!! Can't wait to check out your blog on the 15th!!