Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Another re-fashion..

Above is my latest project for Wardrobe Re-fashion.- boring brown top into something a little more me.
I designed the little motif and printed it onto computer t-shirt transfer paper. The white material was also recycled from another ill-fitting top, and then I added some free-sewing to create the little foliage bits.
The green pants above were the homemade ones I showed a while ago, but I dripped a little bleach onto the them near the knee. I appliqued a flower from the black/white material over the stain.. thats a wardrobe re-fashion trick!! I have a few other projects on the go, hopefully I can share them with you soon.
Your probably wondering what the little graphic is about below... its from the wardrobe re-fashion site and its very similar to your Monopoly board game 'get out of jail free' card. This can be used when you have a special do or a fantastic sale where you just have to break the rules of your pledge. You only get to use it once!
Jan(step-mum) and I were shopping just before Clinton's(bro) big 30th birthday party and I was a little disappointed about what I had to wear. Jan decided to buy me a new dress that she absolutely loved ( and so did I). She insisted that she would buy it for me, therefore I wasn't breaking any rules. But I decided to fess up, hence the card.

My 2 month pledge will be up at the end of the month but I actually think I will sign up again, but for longer, perhaps the 4 month. Although I have done a few things, I have so many re-fashioning ideas and really enjoy the blog community involved. There are some very creative people out there. But we'll see...

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