Tuesday, June 26, 2007

attack of the robots...

Our good friend and awesome animator Dean, 'mocked' (he's term not mine...) up this little robot using one of my photos. I think its great. We were looking at work using a similar idea and I'm really happy he could look at my pics and see an idea like this. Although he's a busy man, I can't wait to see more of these and have given him full permission to use any of my images. See more of Deans work on his blog.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My first Refashion..

I was asked to update, and seeings as I'll be away for a week, I'm here. Thought I show off my first re-fashioned item... a hat that I got for 25c and added a couple of little skulls to it.

Not the biggest sewing achievement, but I have been working a lot more than usual. So thats my excuse. Below is a couple of items that I completed before starting my pledge. Some of you would have seen the skull motif, here it is on the hoodie. Also, my 2nd pair of 'lounge' pants.

Thought I would also add "Jon (my hubby) as a Southpark character" for those of you who know him.Try it yourself, its a lot of fun.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I need your help

Hi to anyone reading.
I need your help...
I need some ideas for my Project 365 (a photo everyday). I need some suggestions for a mini-challenge theme. It will last for a week, well Monday to Friday, so it'll be 5 images. Any ideas will be appreciated.